Saturday, February 7, 2009

Life moves too fast, but hot tubs don't heat up fast enough (or at all.)

Thursday was crazy, class from 8-5 day, with the added bonus of a Bio exam. It was grueling but I got through it, and I think I may have even done well on my test (ok, I am a smarty-pants.) Then, thoroughly mentally exhausted and well aware I wasn't going to get any work done, met up with J
(Note: I realize there are too many Js in my life for this technique to actually have any distinguishing factors between them. Even if I did the first 2 letters, that wouldn't work. Since no one I know [insofar as I am aware] is reading this blog anyway, I am tempted to put full names, but then it's just going to become a saga of what's happening with certain people. And while I'm aware that I'm doing that right now, I also want to, for right this second: it's going to be short-lived, since he's leaving. So for right now, J refers to the person I've been calling simply 'him/he' in previous posts. If anyone I do know actually reads this, they will know exactly who I'm talking about. Which has its drawbacks.)
Anyway, blogging-about-real-life semantics aside, it was awesome. We never had the talk that I had asked if we could have (or rather, he asked if I wanted to have, because I was upset on Monday) but that's because I didn't feel the need to initiate it. Everything I wanted to know was written in the way that he interacted with me: the little looks, the cuddles, the particular ways he kisses me... He actually brought up that we didn't talk about it yesterday (when we were-- once again-- taking advantage of someone else's couch) but I didn't say anything. He said that he wished he had met me sooner. While I know it's going to hurt when he leaves, I'm trying really hard just to enjoy what it is now-- and I know, from these brilliant deductions, that I'm not just a good fuck and nothing more, which makes dealing with it a little easier.
So not much work for my upcoming tests, but loving and living. Fair trade, I'd say :P Now if only the hot tub would have worked...

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